SYLLABUS FOR MATH 2A -- Differential Equations

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Instructor Mehrdad Khosravi
Office S-42a
Phone (408)864-5384
Web Page
Class Time and Location MTWR 10:00-12:15 E36
Course Description Ordinary differential equations and selected applications.
Course SLO Construct and evaluate differential equation models to solve application problems.
Classify, solve and analyze differential equation problems by applying appropriate techniques and theory.
Course Text A First Course in Differentical Equations, 10th edition, by Dennis Zill, published by Brooks/Cole, 2013, ISBN 978-1-111-82705-2
Required Materials The textbook, a graphing calculator (TI-83 or 84 is preferred if you are buying a new calculator. If you already have a TI-82, 85, or 86, you can use that.)
Course Prerequisites Mathematics 1D with a grade of C or better.
Advisory: English Writing 211 and Reading 211 (or Language Arts 211), or
English as a Second Language 272 and 273
Method of Instruction This class will consist of lectures and in-class discussion. There will also be boardwork and in-class group assignments which you are expected to participate in.
Evaluation Process (point based out of 650pt)
Final grade in this course will be determined as follows:
Class participation 30pts
Quizzes (4 out of 5, 30pt each) 120pts
Tests (3) 300pts
Final Exam 200pts
Grading scale:
[598,650] : "A"
[585,597] : "A-"
[572,584] : "B+"
[533,571] : "B"
[520,532] : "B-"
[507,519] : "C+"
[455,506] : "C"
[390,454] : "D"
Below 390 : "F"

The top two scores in class that are above 637pts will receive A+. The student is responsible for saving all graded, returned work. There will be no discussion of grade discrepancies unless the student has a graded copy of the work in question. Please also keep a copy of all the work you turn in for your own records.
Tests and Quizzes There will be Three in-class tests, each counting as 100pts. Absolutely no makeup tests. If you miss a test due to what I consider an emergency and you provide appropriate documentations, I will decide to either replace that test grade with half of the final grade (final is out of 200 but each test is out of 100) or I will provide you with an opportunity for a make up test. You must inform me of your emergency within 48 hours and provide me with the documentation relevant to your situation. If I don't consider your reasoning as an emergency or if you don't provide me with appropriate documentation in a timely manner, you will receive a zero for that test. Regardless, you will get zero for any other missed tests, emergency or not. No makeups for the final can be provided. The final grade cannot be dropped.
There will be 5 quizzes and I only count the top 4. Quizzes will be given at any part of the class period. There are absolutely no makeup quizzes. A missed quiz for any reason (including coming late or leaving early) will count as a zero.

In the course schedule I have included a list of suggested homework problems from each sections. You are responsible to do at least all of the suggested problems. You are responsible to know how to do ALL of the problems. There is a direct correlation between your level of comfort with the homework problems and your success in this class.

Class Attendance and Faculty Initiated Withdrawal Policy A student who discontinues coming to class and does not drop the course will get an F. It is the student's responsibility to drop the course. Attendance is mandatory. Participation counts as 30pts of your total grade. Every absence, tardiness, early departure for any reason, or in class distractions (such as cell phones or computers) could result in a loss of 5pts each time. If a student misses two classes, he or she may be dropped. However the ultimate responsibility of dropping the course lies with the student.
Withdrawal Policy Please check myportal for withdrawal deadline. If students withdraw before this date, they will receive a "W". After this date, an "F".
Academic Honesty and Discipline Policy Students are expected to abide by the college code of conduct. All work turned in is to be the student's own. Students giving or receiving help on a test or quiz will forfeit all points for that assignment or may be withdrawn from the course with a grade of "F". For take home assignments, any student turning in a work, which is strikingly similar to that of another student, will be required to schedule a conference to discuss the matter with the instructor, and any evidence of cheating will result in no points for that assignment and will be reported for further action.
Important Dates Please check the important dates for this quarter. The scheduled final is on the course schedule.
Expected Student Conduct A student who is disruptive will be asked to leave the class. A student who refuses to leave the room will be dropped from the class and will be reported for further action. During the quarter, if you have any questions about the course policies, you will be first referred to this syllabus. Please make sure you keep a copy. You can find Foothill-De Anza College Code of Conduct at
Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a notification from the Disability Support Services (DSS) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. Disability Support Services determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. DSS is located in Student Community Services building, room 141 and their phone number is (408) 864-8753
Disclaimer Statement The information presented in this syllabus may be modified as required by the instructor. Students will be notified of any modifications during normally scheduled classes, and the students are responsible for the changes.