2C Lab Exercises

First Week:

Take role and an introduction to the lab.

Second Week:

1. Density, the Buoyant Force, and Archimdede's Principle.

Third Week:

2. Geometrical Optics  (Finding the focal length of a thin lens)

Fourth Week:

3. Wave Optics I  (Single Slit Diffraction)

Fifth Week:

4. Wave Optics II  (Double Slit Interference)

Sixth Week:

5. Microwave Optics I  (Single Slit Diffraction revisited)

Seventh Week:

6. Microwave Optics II  (Bragg Diffraction)

Eight Week:

7. Atomic Spectra (two weeks).

Ninth Week:

Atomic Spectra continued

Tenth Week:

8. The E/M experiment (finding the ratio of an electron's charge to its mass).

Eleventh Week: